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About / WiN kaupapa

Communities are vital and progressing where there is a natural appreciation for all forms of capital (natural, human, social, scientific, cultural, material, and financial).

This capital is abundant if properly harnessed and stitched into projects for positive things to happen.

Mission specific projects are the lifeblood of vital communities, where they are defined and progressed with support, especially from the wider community.

Mission specific projects are where WiN plays an important role.

Post your project information into this website and you join other projects where you get to define your mission for all to see. Your project is then openly committing to goals and prepared to provide a rolling commentary on progress to back it up.

Could there be a better way to back a project to great outcomes than to use your goals as a promise and motivation to deliver? And is there a better way to gather support from others to help you achieve outcomes?

Partnerships to innovation and connectivity

WiN is a catalyst for innovation and progress, but we don’t do it alone. Projects can interact on this website, and we are working with a host of other organisations to support different projects. For example, WiN co-hosts special events where projects are invited to present themselves to gather feedback and maybe to seek support. See upcoming events.

Pathways to prosperity and wellbeing

Vital communities break down all the boundaries. Projects are not in silos of say community activity or business. All forms of capital are essential, and we see no prosperity without community wellbeing, and no wellbeing without prosperity.




WiN is a community and industry-led community partnership to promote ‘innovation and connectivity’ as an enabler to prosperity and wellbeing, in the Wellington region. As such it is an umbrella movement, working in collaboration with any number of other entities.




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